3 Popular Content Types and How to Use Them

Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts dominate the ranking list

2 min readJan 30, 2023



Blogs are the most popular content type, and according to some research, over 60% of the population consumes blog content. Part of that is thanks to how search engines understand blog posts.

When people search for what they want, many get linked to blog posts making it the consumed content type.

Using SEO properly and optimizing your content to fit search engine requirements can help you build an audience and high-quality content.


On many social media platforms, video is now reigning king. The video covers short-form content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, educational content on e-learning platforms, and longer-form content on platforms like YouTube.

Among most content types, video is one of the most engaging and highly sharable. Editing software is also becoming easier to use, making it quite simple to create and edit a video in a short amount of time.

Here are some tips on keeping your videos as engaging as possible:

  • Use subtitles
  • Keep it short and straight to the point
  • Make it relatable
  • Maintain quality.


Podcasts are another one of the most engaging content types out there. This is largely due to how podcasts allow listeners to incorporate its consumption into their regular schedule.

Essentially, if you enjoy multitasking, this is the best content type for you. Your audience can stay updated on their favorite news while continuing day-to-day activities.

Podcast types:

  • Audio-only podcasts: This content is on audio streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. They require less work than their video counterparts but would also limit you to a more specific audience.
  • Video podcasts: These podcasts are on video streaming platforms like YouTube. While editing this takes more work than simple audio podcasts, it can give you access to a wider audience.

The best use of time here could be while editing the video, is to simultaneously edit the audio and release both of them on their respective platforms.

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