3 Tools for Content Creators

2 min readSep 8, 2022


Amateur vs Professional Content Creators

Professional content creators are usually easy to spot. They understand their audience, their interests, and the kind of content that their audience reacts best to based on experience. Amateur content creators post more diverse content as they get to know their audience.

Although we’re comparing a professional and amateur, a new content creator must learn and experiment with various topics of interest (because, let’s be honest, if you don’t enjoy what you’re creating, then it won’t be great) to build on the results and improve.

Useful Tools for Content Creators

Those looking to become content creators do not need extensive video editing skills or creative abilities to make great content. You don’t need expensive editing software or an expensive camera to start. Many great and free options can give you everything you need as you ease yourself into the path. Once you gain traction and following, you can always invest in an HD camera and microphone.

Hootsuite — First, on our list, Hootesuite is a social media management platform that allows creators to consolidate multiple social media accounts across different platforms into one view. It also provides analytics that creators can use to improve their content.

Manage and produce your social media campaigns, schedule and publish your posts, and keep track of your results.

Canva — is a free-to-use (with paid options) graphic design tool that makes it easy for even those with no-to-little experience to start creating their graphics and content.

The platform gives users access to millions of photos, graphics, editing options, and fonts.At the same time, any assets created on Canva can be optimized for different social media platforms.

Trello — At some point, content creators may need to collaborate with multiple people for different purposes. Maybe another content creator or someone who is working with them on their content. This is where Trello can be useful.

Trello is a collaboration tool that allows users to organize different projects and save information for a later date. You can quickly take notes and integrate them with other major apps that you may already be using and across social media platforms so that you can share your work.

Even with the Right Tools Promotion is Key

Improving yourself, learning new skills and expanding your knowledge of different tools is key to make sure you always create great performing content.




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