Content Creators Are Worried About AI but Should They Be?

2 min readFeb 14, 2023


ChatGPT took the internet by storm and content creators across creative positions like copywriting, marketing, and journalism have been on high alert about the possibility of losing their jobs to AI.

ChatGPT can read, absorb, and write massive amounts of information in seconds and has reached over 100 million users in about two months.

Massive content giants like Buzzfeed and CNET also announced that they will be using ChatGPT to make content. To put your mind at ease here is why it’s unlikely to replace you.

ChatGPT can’t replicate the same level of creativity.

ChatGPT Cannot Replicate Human Creativity or Empathy

The difference between content written by AI and a real experienced writer is evident. ChatGPT lacks the human element that can make writing fun, witty, and appealing to an audience.

The content is also affected by who the author is. Their beliefs and ideas are poured into the writing, whereas the AI should be objective.

Google Can Catch AI-Generated Content

Major search engines like Google can differentiate between content written by a human or an AI. The algorithm has been known to penalize publishers that use ChatGPT and general AI tools.

If users break Google’s anti-spam policies (which include AI-generated content), they can be penalized by appearing low in search ranks or not appearing at all.

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